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Mr. Bubble in the Tubble |  Old McDonald had a Pond |  Wheels on the Bus |  The Grand Ol' Duke of York |  Punch-a-nella | 

Mr. Bubble in the Tubble

Mr. Bubble in the Tubble (blow bubbles)
Makes you shiny and clean
Mr. Bubble in the Tubble (blow bubbles)
If you know what I mean
Mr. Bubble in the Tubble (blow bubbles)
He's alright!
Mr. Bubble in the Tubble (blow bubbles)
Pops out of sight (go under water and blow bubbles)

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Old McDonald had a Pond

Sung to the tune of Old McDonald had a Farm

Sample Verse

Old McDonald had a pond, eeiieeiioo
And on that pond he had a fish, eeiieeiioo
With a glub, glub here and a glub, glub there, here a glub, there a glub
Everywhere a glub, glub
(repeat with new animal)

Replace italics with:

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Wheels on the Bus

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round (spin in circles)
The wheels on the bus go round and round, (spin in circles)
All through the town.
(repeat with new items)

Replace italics with:

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The Grand Ol' Duke of York

The Grand ol' Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men, (flash fingers 10 times)
He marched them up to the top of the hill, (stretch up really tall)
And marched them down again. (crouch down low)
And when they were up, their up, (stretch up tall)
And when they were down, their down, (crouch down low)
And when they were only half way up, (go half way)
They were neither up, (go up)
Nor down. (go under water)

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(Class makes circle, one student in center)
What can you do, Punch-a-nella, Punch-a-nella,
What can you do, Punch-a-nella in the pool.
(student in center of circle does some skill)
We can do it too, Punch-a-nella, Punch-a-nella,
We can do it too, Punch-a-nella in the pool.
(whole class does skill that first student did, new student in center)

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What time is it Mr. Shark? |  Sharks and Minnows |  Water Polo | 

What time is it Mr. Shark?

Played the same way as What time is it Mr. Wolf?
One child is selected to be the shark. They go to the other side of pool and turn their back to the rest of the class. The remainder of the class is in a line along the opposite pool side. They all yell "What time is it Mr. Shark?", and the 'shark' responds with a time. The class takes the appropriate number of steps. When the 'shark' feels like it, they say "Lunch Time" and chase the class. If the 'shark' catches a child, they become the new 'shark'.

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Sharks and Minnows

Played like British Bulldog
Game should be played in a diving well or deep pool. One child is selected to be the 'shark'. They enter the water, and tread near the middle of the pool. The 'minnows' line up along the deck. When the 'shark' yells "shark" the minnows have to dive in a swim to the other side of the pool without being caught. Any one who is caught becomes a 'shark' and attempts to catch people. The game ends when everyone has been caught.

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Water Polo

Set up flutterboards in triangles at either end of a pool. Split the class into two teams and assign each team to a 'net'. The object is to knock over the other team's flutterboards with a ball. To make the game fair to everyone, teams must pass the ball three times before they are allowed to shoot.

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Submit your favorite games, songs, etc. [email protected]